
We need more orders for Ugandan products from the countries you serve – PACEID to Ambassadors

During the Ambassadors Conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) at the Civil Service College Uganda in Jinja on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Exports and Industrial Development (PACEID) Odrek Rwabwogo encouraged the ambassadors to do more to support Uganda’s export drive by getting more orders for Ugandan products from the countries they are deployed in.

PACEID was invited to make a presentation during a panel discussion on Uganda’s export promotion strategies and the disruptive nature of the committee’s work in expanding market influence at the event themed “Strengthening Governance and Performance of the Foreign Service for National Development”. Ambassadors and delegates convened to delve into the crucial matters regarding Uganda’s international trade and diplomatic initiatives.

“Bring us more orders from the countries to serve. The work we do is for the growth of the country and it is supported by the President.” Rwabwogo noted after breaking down the USD1.5 billion brought into the country’s economy in the last eighteen months from the seven markets where Uganda has appointed trade representatives. Uganda has Trade Representatives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, the UK, USA, the Balkans, China, and Nigeria.

Rwabwogo’s presentation highlighted the importance of enhancing Uganda’s export sector to drive economic growth and foster sustainable development. He emphasized the need for robust strategies that harness Uganda’s rich resources and capabilities to expand its global market presence. He also shed light on PACEID’s strategic pillars of operation, focusing on markets, standards, infrastructure, and export financing.

The panel discussion sparked engaging dialogue among the diplomats, stimulating constructive exchange of ideas on how Uganda can leverage its foreign service to propel exports and propel national development forward.

Rwabwogo concluded his presentation with a six-step model for entry of Uganda’s products into international markets designed to boost the country’s exports. This model encompasses strategic interventions across various stages of the export value chain including value addition, regional markets, pockets of excellence, retail expansion, storage and logistics, and leveraging technology. All three are aimed at boosting Uganda’s export sector and achieve the USD 6 billion extra revenue by 2028 and USD 100 billion by 2062.

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