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Rabboni Group Ltd is a social enterprise in Uganda providing sustainable social,
economic, and environmental solutions to rural communities. Our vision is to accelerate
the economic growth of smallholder farmers in Uganda by promoting and adding value
to their crops and providing access to global markets for Vanilla, coffee, and grains.
Today we have over 5,000 farmers in our out-grower network whom we support and educate
on the growing and cultivation of the raw materials used at our factory to create premium
extracts. We strive to increase by 50% the farmers’ yearly income with our sustainable
farming practices. Each farm is GPS-mapped for certification and traceability purposes
Vanilla is one of the most sought-after Flavors in the world. We use vanilla pods from
our farmer network to create all-natural, premium extracts and flavor ingredients. We
offer “farm-to-plate” traceability for our main product lines
Kyaggwe Block 165 Plot 3168, Namataba