First US-Uganda International Trade Summit Ends on a High

The First US-Uganda International Trade Summit and Exhibition 2022, ended yesterday Sunday 18 December 2022 at the Renaissance Hotel Downtown Chicago with a commitment to off-take of several Ugandan products, investment in some of the firms that exhibited, and a promise to help Uganda design an export credit Fund, unique to our level and intensity of trade and export needs.

The grain sector signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with an Ohio-based company owned by an indigenous Somali American to buy sim-sim, sorghum, maize, and other raw materials for breakfast cereal grains from Uganda. The Kapeeka-based Namunkekera dried fruits firm got expressions of interest from an African American firm interested in taking stock in the company while the tourism sector got a boost from Mike Patel of Walton International Capital who promised to invest in hotel chains in the game parks in Uganda and also help open up to 6800 hotels for supply of premium Ugandan coffee from companies such as Endiro Coffee and Mountain, the sector exporters and retailers who exhibited in Chicago.

Several other inquiries in the leather sector including a potential order for more than 1000 pairs from Sseko Designs, a fashion firm that exports to the US under the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) were made. The purpose of the three-day trade summit which was opened by President Yoweri Museveni was to introduce key Ugandan products such as coffee, chocolate, banana flour, apparel, beef, vanilla and dairy etc. to American consumers, investors, and retailers, expose Ugandan firms to potential partners and also find new ways to raise funding for the export credit fund for Ugandan exporters to the western market and within the region.

Ugandan companies with support from the African Global Chamber of Commerce (AGCC) led by Dr. Olivier Kamanzi, Uganda’s Trade Representative in Chicago will begin training early next year in standardization, market research, communication, and certification to be able to gain better entry into the US market. The summit which was organized by the Presidential Advisory Committee on Exports and Industrial Development (PACEID) and partly supported by the United Nations Development Program office in Kampala, attracted more than 200 people and 26 Ugandan firms. It was closed by the Uganda Ambassador to the US, Robbie Kakonge.

Odrek  Rwabwogo, Chair of PACEID rallied Ugandans in the Diaspora to come together and start a distribution company for Ugandan products. “There is no way we will sell products here in any sustained way even if we don’t create enough awareness, without a good distribution network that understands Ugandan food products and focuses first on the ethnic markets that understand our foods and later broadly changing the tastes and preferences of many Americans. This is what will help us scale faster as Ugandan firms here” he said.

The summit was attended by Francis Mwebesa- Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Geraldine Ssali, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Trade, Susana Muhwezi, the Presidential Advisor on AGOA, the office of the Governor of Illinois and many Ugandan diasporas and American business community engaged in food processing, off-take, capital and logistics.

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